We've recently added a new feature on our website. The first time you try to login into your OnBuy account, you'll be asked to verify the email address registered to your OnBuy account. We'll send you a 6-digit security code to the email to be verified. Once you receive it, enter this code on OnBuy and your email will be verified.
If you've not received the email with the security code, check your junk/spam e-mails. Sometimes emails can end up here. If you find it here, just mark the e-mail as 'not junk' and it will return to your inbox. There's some more information about troubleshooting here.
The security code will be valid for 15 minutes. Just click on the 'Resend Code' to generate a new one.
Don't worry, once you've verified your email, we'll not ask you to do so again, unless you change the email address associated with your OnBuy account.