When you shop at OnBuy, you're buying directly from sellers, so they're responsible for fulfilling all deliveries.
Due to some improvements we’re making to our site, you’re currently unable to change a delivery address once you've placed an order. However, if your item hasn't been shipped yet, you may be able to ask the retailer to cancel your order. You can then place the order again, to your desired address.
To cancel an order, simply follow the instructions under 'Can I cancel my order?'.
If you have an OnBuy account and you'd like to amend your delivery address for future orders, simply log into your account and head to 'Account Settings', then 'Addresses'. From there, you can either click 'Add a new address', or 'Edit', to change your current address.
If you've added a separate entry, make sure you select the desired address when you next check out.