You have 30 days to return an item, unless it’s faulty. Returns that fall outside of these 30 days are at the seller's discretion. Check out our Return Policy and Terms & Conditions for more details.
If you want to return an item, you’ll need to let the seller know directly.
If you have an OnBuy account, all you have to do is log in using the email address and password you used to check out, then select ‘View Orders’. Find the order in question, and click ‘Return Items’.
If you checked out as a guest, head to our log in page and enter the email address that you used to check out. Then, simply click the ‘Email Me A Log In Link’ button, and we’ll send you an email with a link to access and manage your recent orders.
If you haven’t received this email within a few minutes, please check your spam folder. The link will expire 30 minutes after sending, after which you’ll need to generate a new one. You can do this by clicking the ‘Resend Link’ button.
When you click the link in the email, you'll be taken to a page of your recent orders. Then, all you have to do is find the order in question, and click ‘Return Items’.
We give our sellers 48 hours to respond to your return requests. If they don’t reply within this time, or you're unhappy with their response, you’ll be able to contact us by clicking the 'Contact OnBuy' button. This will appear next to the messages you've been sending to the seller.
Our Customer Support Team will then step in to resolve the issue, keeping you updated every step of the way!
Please don't return an item until you've been sent a UK return address or postage paid return label. We don't recommend returning items to a seller's storefront address, as they might not accept deliveries.
You may be required to pay the return cost, for which we strongly suggest using a tracked and insured service. If you're returning the item due to a product fault, the cost of return postage will be refunded back to you, so please make sure you keep a copy of your payment receipt.
If you've logged in but can’t see the order, it’s possible that the purchase wasn’t completed properly, or you misspelled your email address at the checkout. Have a read of 'An order isn't showing in my OnBuy account' for more help and information.