To get help quickly, contact the seller directly.
If you have an OnBuy account, log in with your checkout email and password, then click ‘View Orders’. Locate your order, select ‘Contact the Retailer’, choose your reason, and type your message.
If you checked out as a guest, go to the login page, enter your checkout email, and click ‘Email Me A Log In Link’. Check your spam folder if you don’t receive the email within a few minutes. The link expires after 30 minutes, after which you can click ‘Resend Link’.
Once you click the link, find your order, click ‘Contact the Retailer’, choose a reason, and type your message.
Sellers have 48 hours to respond. If they don’t reply or you’re unsatisfied, click 'Contact OnBuy' next to your messages to reach us.
If you’re logged in but can’t see the order, it may not have been completed correctly. Check 'An order isn't showing in my OnBuy account' for assistance.
Note: Orders can't always be cancelled before dispatch. If shipped, refer to 'How do I return my order?'.