If you've placed an order but it's not showing in your OnBuy account, the payment may be pending - or could have failed altogether. This happens when your browser times out or there's a connection issue between the payment processor and OnBuy, meaning that your payment provider hasn't been able to transfer the funds to us.
As a result, your OnBuy order hasn't been finalised, so we can't cancel the payment or request it again.
If you paid using a credit or debit card, a pending payment will usually disappear from your account within 10 working days. If it's still showing as 'Pending' after this time, you can ask your payment provider to cancel it.
If you paid using a third party payment provider, please see the estimated timeframes below:
Klarna: 1 - 10 working days
Clearpay: 5 working days
PayPal: 28 working days
In the meantime, it's safe to order again. Pending payments aren't captured by the retailer.
Please note, we're unable to authorise or refund pending payments. They'll be reviewed by your payment provider within the timeframes detailed above.